Warning: The cords and cables that connect to ultrasonic probes (ie: TA/TV and Esophageal Probes, topical ultrasonic imaging devices, etc.) have been identified as vectors for the transmission of nosocomial / hospital borne infections.

23-minute process cycle (for Hard Surface Objects)
The MPDC-1 Provides High-level Disinfection Of All Surfaces For:
- Various ultrasonic probes and their attached cords.
- Topical ultrasonic imaging devices and their attached cords.
- Stethoscopes
- Key boards
- Computer mouse
- Phones
- Otoscopes
- Blood pressure cuffs
- Miscellaneous cables and wires
- Healthcare PPE
- ...and more

MPDC-1 ™ Key Features & Overview
- Rapid Process: 23 minutes to process and dry hard surface objects & attached cables.
- Only 31 minute cycle time to decontaminate & disinfect N95 masks.
- 6 Log kill and no growth for: bacteria, spores, fungus, and viruses. *
- Sub-micron aerosol droplets: the smallest, driest, & most efficacious in the industry.
- Very dry sub-micron aerosol fog (0.69 µm average)
- Total gas-like 3-D space coverage.
- Compact Size.
- Lightweight.
- Easy to transport.
- Integrated Air Processor & Filtration System (accessory).
- Advantage of liquid to surface contact vs. vapor & gas systems.
- Food grade materials.
- Wireless tablet control and data reporting to PC.
- Process meets EPA definition for: Hospital Disinfection / Sporicide.
The multipurpose disinfection cabinet (MPDC-1 ™) has entered the FDA 510-K approval process. This product was successfully challenged by an independent laboratory. A 100% kill and 6 Log reduction for MRSA, C. difficile, and C. auris, was obtained in a twenty-three (23) minute process cycle, without any detected residue post cycle.
A remarkable Log 8.4 log kill of the C. auris fungal pathogen was also obtained in a published study by Dr. C. Donskey only a fifteen (15) process cycle, with a cycle cost of only twenty cents ($ 0.20 USD). The MPDC-1 cabinet can high-level disinfect one or more, ultrasonic imaging devices and probes, and/or other non-lumen devices, in the same treatment cycle.
Finally, the high-level disinfection cabinet meets the criteria for full disinfection and decontamination of N95 masks, achieving a 6 Log reduction on N-95 respirator filters in only a 31-minute process cycle, for: Coronavirus – SARS-CoV-2, as showed by peer reviewed independent testing using Bacteriophage MS2 (coronavirus surrogate).