Attributes Of an Ideal Medical Facility:
(a) A facility that is willing to pledge to its patients and employees that it will provide an environment that is as free of infectious pathogens and diseases, as is reasonably possible.
(b) A facility that recognizes that a hospital room that is not totally free of viable pathogens is not clean, and that its patients and employees are entitled to a clean and safe facility.
(c) A facility that recognizes and upholds its duty not to do harm to its patients while under its care, and is willing to provide sufficient financial resources and personnel to implement technology that has the highest probability to ELIMINATE, and NOT JUST REDUCE, hospital acquired infections.
(d) A facility that has set the highest standard of environmental cleanliness for its patients, where ZERO TOLERANCE of pathogenic contamination is the goal.
(e) A facility where the management team holds the infectious disease staff and the environmental service personnel responsible for improving patient outcomes.
(f) A facility with a strong commitment to patient safety.
(g) A facility where both the infectious disease team and the environmental service staff recognize that they can provide a viable alternative to patients contracting hospital acquired infections.
(h) A facility that understands that allowing a situation to exist that exposes it, its board of directors, and executives, to fines by the federal government and lawsuits is not acceptable.